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Audio vs. Visual: Which Entertainment Service is More Important?

Audio vs. Visual: Which Entertainment Service is More Important?

It’s often said that 50% of your home entertainment experience is from sound, simply because a big picture equally needs big sound to match for a full viewing and listening experience.

It’s often said that 50% of your home entertainment experience is from sound, simply because a big picture equally needs big sound to match for a full viewing and listening experience. So, when it comes to audio versus visual, you can’t have one without the other. However, it is also equally important to recognize that although both audio and visual play significant roles in a grand home entertainment experience, there are differences between the two. So, the answer to the question of which audio visual service is better will vary from person to person based on what you are looking for in your home entertainment experience, but the common factor in both systems is sound.

Understanding the Difference

The primary difference between audio and visual systems is what the system is designed to play. Visual systems usually have around five channels with surround sound for better movie and other viewing experiences. Audio systems typically have two channels that focus solely on high-quality sound for music. So, think of it like this: One gives you a real movie theater experience and the other gives you a live concert experience.

The differences may seem a bit obvious to you, but there’s a lot more that goes into the different systems. Most people are more tolerable of mediocre sound quality when the visual platform is high-quality than seeing even the smallest video flaws. But, then again, there are those who prefer premium audio fidelity who have no problem watching TV and movies in standard definition as long as the sound is immaculate.

Technically, both audio and visual systems will give you high-quality sound, but the type of audio you’re listening to is what’s going to help you determine which system is best for you. Then again, if you want a full audio and visual experience, reaching out to an Audio Visual Company like AV Experience can give you the best of both worlds with a home theater system and whole home audio.

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