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Are Smart Homes Really the Future?

Are Smart Homes Really the Future?

Nowadays, everything is somehow connected to technology. Even fridges are considered smart gadgets. You have a smartphone, so you know how technology can be beneficial, but you're not sure if a smart home is right for you.

The short answer to this question would be absolutely! If there’s one thing we can learn from the 1962 cartoon, The Jetsons, it’s that smart homes are absolutely the future. In the show, you see the family enjoying numerous push-button and voice-controlled conveniences to run their household. Back then, those conveniences were a figment of our imaginations. However, in today’s technology-driven world, the Jetsons’ smart home technology is closer to reality than science fiction.

According to Statista, nearly 37% of households in the US owned a smart home device in 2020. Because of the popularity of smart home devices, the revenue of smart homes sold rose and is projected to reach $47 billion by 2025. To add to that statistic, one of the biggest reasons why people own smart home devices is not just for the ease and convenience the devices bring, but also because smart home technology is considerably better for the environment.

When talking about the ease and convenience of today’s automated home, there are going to be a few heavy-hitting features that create the ultimate smart home ecosystem.

Lighting Control Systems

Long gone are the days of getting up to flip a light switch or turn on a table lamp. When it comes to lighting in your home with smart technology, the headache of getting up has been replaced by voice commands, touch screen panels, and even your phone! If you’re in bed and forget to turn the lights off downstairs in your living room, a simple voice command will save you a trip downstairs. Additionally, depending on the different types of lighting systems you have in or around your home, these devices can not only control lighting in your home but also be linked to control outdoor lighting as well, whether it’s landscape lighting or motion-sensor lighting.

Robot Vacuums

Who would’ve ever thought that the little automated vacuum seen in The Jetsons would become today’s reality in the form of iRobot Roomba and other robot vacuum brands? This small device has taken the act of manually vacuuming your home and turned it into child’s play (Fisher Price’s push-along toy vacuum with the colorful popping balls inside)!

These robotic vacuum cleaners will not only clean your floors but can map your floors to avoid contact with your furniture. Many models of robotic vacuums have surface detectors and can adjust its brush roll height once a carpet is detected.

Security/Surveillance Systems

“There’s no place like home” ... That is until an unwanted visitor tries to make their way inside your home, violating every sense of privacy and security you once had.

One of the biggest features people look for in smart homes or smart devices is safety, inside and out. Whether you’re at home or on vacation, having a security and surveillance system in your home gives you the ability to do the following:

  • Receive alerts if an intruder tries to enter your home.
  • Turn off your alarm if you allow someone to enter your home
  • Turn your alarm back on after they leave.
  • View streaming camera footage from your phone.
  • Use your doorbell as a video intercom system to see who’s at your door.

Of course, there are many different security and surveillance systems out there that offer a myriad of unique features. However, the features listed above are some that you should look for and consider standard when it comes to protecting your family and your home.

Home Theater System

If there’s one thing we learned from the Pandemic, it’s learning how to have fun from the comfort of your own home. Some families took fun into the kitchen and had fun cooking meals together; other families had an entire home theater system installed! After all, when you can make it to the movie theater or simply don’t feel like going, bring the movie theater to you!

With a home theater system, you’ll literally feel like you’re at the movies. Features such as sound bars, speakers, 4K projector screens and processors and amplifiers are all part of that home theater experience. And unless you’re a professional audio/video installer, this type of project is most definitely best left to professionals. But once your home theater system is installed, life at home will never be the same!

Life at Home Has a Bright and Promising Future

From smart lighting and smart toilets to home theater systems and robot vacuums, time spent at home is looking better and better each day! If you haven’t noticed, technology has progressed and evolved by leaps and bounds, providing us with a unique dwelling experience we could never imagine. Thanks to futuristic families like The Jetsons, living in an automated home that runs completely on smart gadgets and appliances, as well as smart home automation, really isn’t too far-fetched of an idea to consider... it’s right in our faces!

At Audio Video Experience, the idea of living in smart homes is easier than you may think. Whether you want a home theater system, lighting control, motorized window treatments, or an outdoor sound system, we do it all! Trust and believe we’re not afraid to get our hands dirty and we can guarantee that our work for you will be done right the first time. Our job is not finished until you’re 100% satisfied with not only the performance of your technology but also the overall aesthetic of it as well.

For a consultation or to check out the services we provide, simply call our local office at (615) 819-2137.

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